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Curriculum Vitae

Henry David Abraham M.D.

Date of Birth: August 25, 1942

Place of Birth: Philadelphia, PA


1963‑1967 | M.D.  Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

1960‑1963 |  B.Sc. Muhlenberg College

Postgraduate Training:

1971‑1974 | Resident in Psychiatry, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA

1967‑1968 | Intern in Pediatrics, Harriet Lane Service,  Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, MD


Postgraduate Honors and Awards:


2017 | Distinguished Alumnus Award, Johns Hopkins University


2014 | Doctorate of Humane Letters, Muhlenberg College


2007 | Distinguished Life Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association


2007 | Sandy Writing Contest, Honorable Mention


1997 | Shankweiler Fellow for Contributions to Medicine, Muhlenberg College, Allentown, PA


1990 | Alumni Achievement Award, Muhlenberg College Allentown, PA


1988 | Inductee to the Hall of Fame, Central High School, Philadelphia, PA


1988 | Recipient, the Leon J. Obermayer Award, School District of Philadelphia, PA


1985 | Co-Author, Constitution for the International Physicians for the Prevention ofNuclear War,

recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize


1982 | Consultant, Narrator for "Ground Zero:  Victory Road," 30 minute TV drama for WCVB-TV Boston, Winner of Peabody Award for Best Public Information Program


1979 | Recipient, Grant from the William R. Milton Fund, Harvard University for Research in Medicine Writer for "The Baxters", given the IRIS Award for Best Series in Public Information by the National Association of Television Program Executives, 1978


1978‑1979 | Writer for the EMMY Award Winning Series, "The Baxters," WCVB‑TV, Boston, Best Series in  Informational Programming in New England 1978‑1979


1978 | Writer of "Time Bomb" Episode of "The Baxters", nominated for the Peabody Award Best Program in Public

Information in New England


1977 | New England Playwrights Guild Selection for production of the comedy "Silent Partners", Brattleboro, VT


1976 | Second Prize, Conjoint Media Festival of the Health and Science Communications Association, the Biological Photography Association, and the Association of Medical Illustrators in the Public Information Category for the film "Pain Unit"


1975 | Third Prize, Health and Science Communications Association Media Festival, Atlanta, GA, for Television Production "I Want to Die"


1975 | Second Prize, Health and Science Communications Association Media Festival, for Television Production "Drinkers in Crisis" Atlanta, GA


1967 | Student Research Award, Honorable Mention, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine


1963‑1967 | Pennsylvania Medical Society Scholarship, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine


1963‑1967 | Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Scholarship


1963 | Valedictorian, Summa cum Laude, Muhlenberg College


1960‑1963 | Competitive Tuition Scholarship, Muhlenberg College

Hospital Committees:


1995 | Infection Control Committee, Butler Hospital, Providence, RI


1995 | Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee, Butler Hospital, Providence, RI


1995 | Taskforce to Revise the Addiction Medicine Program Tufts University School of Medicine


1993-1994 | Substance Abuse Resource Team, New England Medical Center


1990 | Computer Committee, St. Elizabeth's Hospital of Boston


1983 | Chairperson, Research and Human Studies Committee, St. Elizabeth's Hospital of Boston


1982 | Library Committee, St. Elizabeth's Hospital of Boston

Hospital Appointments:


1998-2001 | Staff Psychiatrist, Department of Psychiatry, Mt. Auburn Hospital, Cambridge, MA


1995-1998 | Director, Alcohol and Drug Treatment Services, Butler Hospital, Providence, RI


1993-2007 | Consultant in Psychiatry, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA


1993-1995 | Director of Alcohol and Drug Treatment Services, Tufts New England Medical Center


1981‑1993 | Director of Psychiatric Research, St. Elizabeth's Hospital, Brighton, MA


1974‑1993 | Clinical Associate in Psychiatry, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA


1974‑1975 | Director, Marlboro‑Westboro Unit, Westboro State Hospital, Westboro, MA


1970-1971 | Pediatrician, Tucson Medical Center, Tucson, AZ


1970‑1971 | Pediatrician, St. Joseph's Hospital, Tucson, AZ


1970‑1971 | Pediatrician, St. Mary's Hospital, Tucson, AZ

Other Appointments:


2007- | Consultant, Medical Research Council, Great Britain


1995 | Chairman, Metropolitan Taskforce on the Emergency Treatment of Substance Abusers, Boston, MA


1970‑1971 | Pediatrician, Chicano Health Project, El Rio Santa Cruz Neighborhood Health Center, Tucson, AZ


1968-1970 | Associate in Biomedical Communications, National Medical Audiovisual Center, National Library of  Medicine, Atlanta, GA

University Committees:




1998 | Board of Directors, EEG and Clinical Neuroscience Society


1985 | Co‑Chair, Core Curriculum, Fifth World Congress, International Physicians for the Prevention of  Nuclear War, Budapest, Hungary


1984 | Advisory Board, International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War


1984 | Co-Chair, Medical Consequences of Nuclear War, sponsored by the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, Helsinki, Finland


1982 | Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, The Hague, Netherlands




1998- | Special Consultant, National Institute on Drug Abuse


1996-98 | Chairman, Training Committee, American Psychiatric Electrophysiology Association


1994- | Consultant to US Department of Justice


1992- | Consultant, National Institutes of Health and the Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and Mental Health Administration

Advisory Board, DSM Work Group on Alcohol and Substance Abuse, Committee to Revise Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, Fourth Edition, American Psychiatric Association


1988 | Advisory Board, DSM Work Group on Alcohol and Substance Abuse, Committee to Revise Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, Fourth Edition, American Psychiatric Association


1986 | Committee to Revise Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, Third Edition, American Psychiatric Association


1982 | Chairperson, Search Committee for Chief Executive Officer Physicians for Social Responsibility 


1981 | Consultant, National Academy of Sciences, Committee on Marijuana and Health Institute of Medicine, Washington, D.C.


1979‑1983 | Secretary, Executive Committee, Physicians for Social Responsibility


1979 | Co-Chair, By-Laws Committee, Physicians for Social Responsibility



Membership in Organizations


2018-19 | President, Toronto City Opera, Toronto, Canada


1996 | The Serotonin Club


1995 | International Society for Neuroimaging in Psychiatry


1995 | Society of Biological Psychiatry


1995 | Society for Neuroscience


1995 | American Psychiatric Electrophysiology Association


1994 | American Academy of Psychiatrists in Alcoholism and the Addictions


1983 | American Association for the Advancement of Science


1974 | The Harvard Medical Society


1974 | The American Psychiatric Association


1967 | The Johns Hopkins Medical Society


1963 | Physicians for Social Responsibility


1963 | Omicron Delta Kappa Honor Society



  1. Abraham, Henry David. After the Genocides- Immigration, Education, and the Prevention of Nuclear War. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2024.

  2. Abraham HD, Salzman C. Hallucinogen persisting perception disorder following therapeutic ketamine: a case report. J Alc Drug Dependence, 5, 5, 1-2, 2017.

  3. Abraham HD. When the trip doesn’t end. The Psychologist, 670-673, vol. 27, no. 9, September 2014.

  4. El-Mallakh RS, Halpern JH, Abraham HD. Substance Abuse: Hallucinogen- and MDMA-Related Disorders (Chapter 60). In: Tasman A, Maj M, First MB, Kay J, Lieberman JA, editors. Psychiatry. 3rd edition. London: John Wiley & Sons, pp. 1100-1126, 2008.

  5. El-Mallakh R, and Abraham HD. MDMA (Ecstasy). Ann Clin Psych, 19(1):45-52, 2007.

  6. Abraham HD, Duffy, FH. EEG coherence in post-LSD visual hallucinations. Psychiatry Research:Neuroimaging, 107:151-163, 2001.

  7. Abraham HD. New hope for hallucinogen persisting perception disorder? Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology 21:343, 2001.

  8. Gilman S, Abraham HD. A longitudinal study of the order of onset of alcohol dependence and major depression. Drug and Alcohol Dependence 63:277-286, 2001.

  9. Abraham HD, Degli-Esposti S, Marino L. Seroprevalence of Hepatitis C in a sample of middle class substance abusers. Journal of Addictive Diseases, 18(4):77-87, 1999.

  10. Abraham HD, Fava M. Order of onset of substance abuse and depression in a sample of depressed outpatients. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 40(1):44-50, 1999.

  11. Abraham HD, Anderson C, Lee D. Somatization disorder in Sphincter of Oddi dysfunction. Psychosomatic Medicine, 59(5):553-557, 1997.

  12. Abraham HD, Duffy FH. Stable qEEG differences in post-LSD visual disorder by split half analyses: Evidence for disinhibition. Psychiatry Research:Neuroimaging, 67:173-187, 1996.

  13. Abraham HD, Mamen A. LSD-like panic from risperidone in post-LSD visual disorder. J Clin Psychopharmacol, 16:238-241, 1996.

  14. Abraham HD, Aldridge A, Gogia P. Psychopharmacology of the hallucinogens. Neuropsychopharmacology, 14:285-298, 1996.

  15. Leipsic J, Abraham HD, Halperin P. Neuroleptic malignant syndrome in a general hospital. J Geriat Psych Neurol, 8:28-31, 1995.

  16. Abraham HD, Aldridge A. LSD: A point well taken. Addiction, 89, 763, 1994.

  17. Abraham HD. Visual hallucinations in macular degeneration. American Journal of Psychiatry, 150:11, 1758, 1993.

  18. Abraham HD, Aldridge A. Adverse consequences of lysergic acid diethylamide. Addiction, 88:1327-1334, 1993.

  19. Abraham HD, Duffy FH. Computed EEG abnormalities in panic disorder with and without premorbid drug abuse. Biological Psychiatry 29:687- 690, 1991.

  20. Herr B, Abraham HD, Anderson W. Length of psychiatric admissions in a general hospital: a controlled study. General Hospital Psychiatry, 13:68-70, 1991.

  21. Abraham HD. Stimulants, panic and BEAM EEG abnormalities. Am J Psychiatry (letter) 147:847-848, 1989

  22. Abraham HD, Wolf E. Visual function in past users of LSD: psychophysical findings. J Abnormal Psychology 97(4):443-447, 1988

  23. Abraham HD, Joseph AB. Bulimic vomiting alters pain tolerance and mood. Intl J Psych Med 16:311-316, 1987.

  24. Abraham HD. Do psychostimulants kindle panic disorder? American J Psychiatry (letter) 143:1627, 1986.

  25. Abraham HD. Inching towards Armageddon. Yale J Biology and Medicine, 56: 67-78, 1983.

  26. Abraham HD. Visual phenomenology of the LSD flashback. Arch Gen Psychiatry; 40: 884-889, 1983.

  27. Abraham HD. L-5-hydroxytryptophan for LSD-induced psychosis. Am J Psychiatry. 140:456-458, 1983.

  28. Executive Committee*, Physicians for Social Responsibility. Medical care in modern warfare- a look at the Pentagon plan for the civilian sector. N England Journal of Medicine 306:741-743, 1982. *HDA, first author.

  29. Abraham HD. A chronic impairment of colour vision in users of LSD. Brit J Psychiatry. 140: 518-520, 1981

  30. Abraham HD. Psychiatric illness in drug abusers. N England Journal of Medicine 302: 868-869, 1980

  31. Abraham HD, Howell, RR. Human hepatic uridinediphosphategalactose pyrophosphorylase:its characterization and activity during development. J Biological Chemistry 244: 545-550, 1969

Other Publications


  1. Abraham HD. Igniting the Atmosphere, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, in press.

  2. Abraham, HD. The No Nonsense Guide to Drugs and Alcohol. Ebook,, 2014.

  3. Abraham HD. Catechol-O-methyl transferase inhibition reduces symptoms of hallucinogen persisting perception disorder. Poster presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Society of Biological Psychiatry, 2012.

  4. El-Mallakh R, Halpern J, and Abraham HD. Hallucinogen and MDMA Related Disorders. In Tasman A, and First, M (eds.), A Clinical Guide to the Diagnosis and Treatment of DSM-IV-TS Mental Disorders, 3nd Ed., John Wiley, in press.

  5. Abraham HD. What’s A Parent to Do? New Horizon Press, East Rutherford NJ, 2004.

  6. Abraham HD. Drug Education for Teens, Film series, Schlessinger Media, Wynnewood PA, 2004

  7. El-Mallakh R, Halpern J, and Abraham HD. Hallucinogen and MDMA Related Disorders. In Tasman A, Kay J, and Lieberman JA (eds.), Psychiatry, 2nd Edition, 2003.

  8. Abraham HD, Ricaurte G, and McCann U. Chapter 108, Psychedelic drugs. In Davis KL, Charney D, Coyle JT, Nemeroff C (eds). Neuropsychopharmacology, The Fifth Generation of Progress. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, Philadelphia, 2002.

  9. Abraham HD. Disorders relating to the use of phencyclidine and hallucinogens. In Gelder MG, Lopez-Ibor JJ, and Andreasen N. Oxford Textbook of Psychiatry, Chapter, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2000.

  10. Abraham HD. Book review, General Hospital Psychiatry, 22:57- 58,2000. Clinical Textbook of Addictive Disorders, 2nd Edition, Frances RJ and Miller SI (eds.) Guilford Press, NY, 1998.

  11. Abraham HD. Hallucinogen-Related disorders. In Kaplan HI and Sadock BJ (eds.) Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry, Seventh Edition, Chapter 11.7, pp. 1015-1024. Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins, Philadelphia, 2000.

  12. Abraham HD. The anxious substance abuser and the anxious clinician. In Ellison J. (ed.) Integrative Treatment of Anxiety Disorders. American Psychiatric Press, Washington DC, 1996.

  13. Abraham HD. Hallucinogens, Inhalants, and Designer Drugs, Chp. 114, p. 1-8. In Michels R et al. (eds.) Textbook of Psychiatry, Lippincott, Philadelphia, 1995.

  14. Abraham HD, Aldridge A. Lysergic Acid Diethylamide: clinical, therapeutic and scientific considerations. Presented to NIDA Technical Review Meeting on Hallucinogens, July 14, 1992.

  15. Abraham HD. A man who saw the air. In Spitzer RL, Gibbon M, Skodol AE et al. DSM-III-R Case Book, pp. 167-168, Washington DC, American Psychiatric Press, 1989.

  16. Abraham HD. The social responsibility of the modern university: avoiding nuclear war. Pro Veritate 1985; 6: 15-20.

  17. Abraham HD. LSD flashbacks. Arch Gen Psychiatry (letter), 1984;41:632-633.

  18. Cassel C, McCally M, Abraham HD, eds. Nuclear weapons and Nuclear War -a sourcebook for health professionals. Philadelphia, Praeger, 1984.

  19. Abraham HD. Psychiatric aspects of marijuana use. In: Manschreck T, Murry G, eds. Psychiatric Medicine Update: Massachusetts General Hospital Reviews for Physicians, Vol. 3, New York, Elsevier North Holland, NY 1984.

  20. Committee of the Institute of Medicine: Marijuana and Health, National Academy Press, Washington, DC 1982.



  1. Abraham HD, Duffy FH. Poster. Spectral EEG Coherence in Visual Hallucinations: Possible ‘Binding’ of Visual Information. Toward a Science of Consciousness, “Tucson III”, Tucson AZ, April 27-May 2, 1998.

  2. Toi VV, Abraham HD, Bursac N. Post-LSD hallucinosis is associated with decrease in flicker-fusion sensitivities. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, 1996.

  3. Abraham HD, Duffy FH. EEG coherence in post-LSD persisting perception disorder. Society of Neuroscience Annual Meeting, San Diego, 1995.

  4. Abraham HD, Duffy FH, Crayton J, Yeoh H. Poster. The diagnosis and treatment of chronic visual disturbances following LSD. 148th Annual Meeting of the American Psychiatric Association, Miami, May 25, 1995.

  5. Abraham HD, Duffy FH, Crayton J, Arora R, Yeoh H. Poster. Visual disturbances following the use of lysergic acid diethylamide. American Academy of Psychiatrists in Alcoholism and Addictions, San Diego, December 2, 1994.

  6. Abraham HD, Fava M. Poster. Order of onset of major depression and drug abuse. 147th Annual Meeting of the American Psychiatric Association, Philadelphia May 24, 1994.

  7. Abraham HD. BEAM Studies in Panic Disorder: An exploration. Presented at the 141st Annual Meeting of the American Psychiatric Association, Montreal, Canada, May 10, 1988.

  8. Abraham HD. Visual Disturbances in a Population of LSD Users, presented at the 134th Annual Meeting of the American Psychiatric Association, New Orleans, LA May 14, 1981.

Invited Presentations


2018 | Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder (HPPD): Clinical and Neurophysiological Perspectives. Presented at the Vereniging voorVerslavingsgeneeskunde (VVGN) Conference,NBC Congrescentrum, Nieuwegein Utrecht, Netherlands June 14, 2018


2008 | Seminar on Hallucinogenic Drugs, Department of Psychiatry, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston MA


2004 | Primary Prevention in Substance Use Disorders: a Review of the Evidence. Grand Rounds at the Massachusetts General Hospital Department of Psychiatry, Boston MA


2003 | The Neurobiology of Chronic Visual Hallucinations from LSD, Departments of Neuroscience and Anatomy, Boston University School of Medicine.


2001 | Primary Care Program, Mt. Auburn Hospital, Cambridge MA, The medical effects of MDMA (“Ecstasy”)


2001 | Primary Care Program, Mt. Auburn Hospital, Cambridge MA, The medical effects of marijuana


1999 | Colloquium, Department of Psychology, Brown University, An hypothesis for the mechanism of some visual hallucinations.


1998 | Psychosomatic Conference, Where and how do hallucinations occur in the brain? Dept. of Psychiatry, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston 


American Society of Addiction Medicine, Seroprevalence of Hepatitis C in Sample of Middle Class Substance Abusers, 29th. Annual Medical-Scientific Conference, New Orleans.


1997 | Psychosomatic Conference, Hallucinogen Persistent Perceptual Disorder. Dept. of Psychiatry, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston. 


American Psychological Association, NIDA Symposium, Neurobiological Consequences of Drug Abuse: Abnormal EEG Coherence in Post-LSD Hallucinations, Annual Meeting, Chicago.


1996 | American Psychological Association, NIDA Symposium, Neurobiological Consequences of Drug Abuse: Electrophysiological Predictors of Relapse in Substance Abusers, Annual Meeting, Toronto.


1992 | Laboratory of Molecular Biology, St. Elizabeth's Hospital, Towards a Molecular Mechanism for the Neuropathology of  Hallucinogens in Human Beings.


1991 | University of South Florida Psychiatry Center, Tampa, FL, Grand Rounds and Case Presentation, Drug Abuse and Organic Anxiety


St. Elizabeth's Hospital of Boston, Medical Grand Rounds, Substance Abuse in the Medical Patient.


1990 | Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, Grand Rounds, Drug Abuse and Panic Disorder: New Evidence for an association.



1989 | Seminar, "Occupational Stress in Law Enforcement," Norwood Hospital, Norwood, MA.


Cocaine Abuse and Panic Disorder: Physiological Findings. Veterans Administration Court Street Clinic, Boston, MA.


Grand Rounds, New Findings in Physiology of Panic Disorder, Beth Israel Hospital, Boston, MA.



1987 | Seminar at the Epilepsy Unit, Chronic effects of psychostimulants in CNS function. Mt. Auburn Hospital, Cambridge, MA.


Grand Rounds, Long-term effects of LSD in humans. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Medical Department.


Long-term psychotoxins in humans. Harvard University Extension School.


Do drugs make people crazy? Freedom from Clinical Dependence. Needham, MA.


1986 | McLean Hospital, Psychopharmacology Seminar, Long-Term Effects of Hallucinogens in Man.



1985 | Detroit Psychiatric Institute, Resident's Seminar, Long- Term Effects of Hallucinogenic Drugs in Humans.


Detroit Psychiatric Institute, Grand Rounds, Differential Diagnosis of Toxic Psychoses.


Royal Hobart Hospital Grand Rounds, Psychiatric Aspects of the Nuclear Arms Race, Hobart, Tasmania.


Wellington Clinical School of Medicine, The Planet as Patient: The Physician's Role in the Prevention of Nuclear War, Wellington, New Zealand


Glenside Hospital, Clinical Meeting, Adelaide, Australia. Auckland School of Medicine, The Physician and Nuclear War, Auckland, New Zealand



1984 | Stockholm, Sweden, Conjoint Meeting of the International Peace Communications Center, the International Peace Bureau, and the Swedish Ecumenical Council, Panelist from the United States, "What is the Path Towards Our Common Security?"


Yale University School of Medicine, Psychiatric Grand Rounds Long-term Effects of Hallucinogenic Drugs in Humans.


All Union Centre for Research in Mental Health, Soviet Academy of Sciences, United Soviet Socialist Republic. Trends in American psychiatric research.


1982 | Mount Holyoke College, Symposium with Cyrus Vance, Flora Lewis, et al. The Medical Consequences of Nuclear War.



  1. 1994-95 New England Shelter for Homeless Veterans, Psychopathology in Homeless Veterans, $30,000 Principal Investigator.

  2. 1992, Serotonin-2 Receptors in Platelets in Post-Hallucinogen Sensory Disorder, National Institutes of Health Biological Science Research Grant, $1,500, Principal Investigator.

  3. 1992-96, Electrophysiology of Panic Disorder Among Drug Abusers, National Institute on Drug Abuse, RO1 DA07120-01A2, $697,416, Principal Investigator.

  4. Electrophysiology of Panic Disorder Among Marijuana Users, National Institute on Drug Abuse, 3 RO1 DA07120-0451, $49,346, Principal Investigator.

University Teaching Roles


2003 | Hallucinogens and the Amphetamines, annual seminar for the Addictions Fellowship program in the Department of Psychiatry, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston


1999-2000 | Harvard Medical School, Site Director, Mt Auburn Hospital, Year I Course, Psychopathology and Introduction to Clinical Psychiatry


1997-1998 | Brown University School of Medicine, Course Director, Self Awareness as a Tool in Clinical Medicine.


1996 | Pathophysiology of Long Term Effects of Hallucinogenic Drugs in Humans, May 4, New York, NY. 4th Annual Meeting of the American Psychiatric Electrophysiology Association.


1995 | Symposium: Substance Abuse in People with Mental Illness, Tufts/New England Medical Center and Baycove Mental Health Center, February 27, Jamaica Plain, MA. Order of onset of substance abuse and depression.


1993 | Harvard Medical School Course, Patient-Physician I, Boston, MA.


1993-1995 | Tufts University School of Medicine, Course Director, Introduction to Psychopathology. Lectures delivered: Introduction to Psychopathology; Drugs of Abuse; Anxiety Disorders; Sexual Disorders; Lectures coordinated: Psychodynamic Aspects of the Clinical Interview; Schizophrenia; Affective Disorders; Delirium and Dementia; Sleep Disorders; Somatoform Disorders; Personality Disorders; and Psychological and Neuropsychological Testing.


1992 | Harvard Medical School Course, Patient-Physician I, Boston, MA Seminar, Physiological correlates of panic disorder.


1991 | St. Elizabeth's Hospital of Boston, Department of Anesthesiology, Staff Conference, Substance Abuse Among Health Professionals.


Harvard Medical School Course, Patient-Physician I, Boston, MA, directed at first year medical students, dealing with: Patient Interviewing; the Patient's Experience of Illness; the Life Cycle; the Biopsychosocial Model; the Adolescent; Cigarette Smoking; Addiction and Substance Abuse; Cultural and Ethnic Issues in Medicine; Urban Health; the Sexual History; Death, Dying, and Loss; Domestic Violence; Caring for People with HIV Infection; Geriatrics; and Caring for Patients with Disabilities.


1989 | McLean Hospital, Belmont MA, Psychopharmacology. 


Brookside Hospital, Nashua, NH, Can Stress Lead to Addictive Behavior? Seminar, "Occupational Stress in Law Enforcement."



1988 | Tufts New England Medical Center, Grands Rounds, The Long-Term Effects of Hallucinogens in Human Beings.


Norwood Hospital, Norwood, MA, Grand Rounds, Drug Abuse and Psychopathology: How Are They Related?


Cambridge Hospital, Cambridge, MA, Cocaine Abuse and Panic Disorder: Physiological Findings.


Veterans Administration Court Street Clinic, Boston, MA, Grand Rounds, New Findings in the Physiology of Panic Disorder.


Montreal, Canada, Presented at the American Psychiatric Association, BEAM Studies in Panic Disorder: an exploration.



1987 | St. Elizabeth's Hospital of Boston, Research Seminar, Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Continuous Hallucinosis in Man- Recent Findings.


Beth Israel Hospital, Boston, MA, Seminar at the Epilepsy Unit, Chronic effects of psychostimulants in CNS function.


Mt. Auburn Hospital, Cambridge, MA, Grand Rounds, Long term effects of LSD in Humans.


Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, MA, International House, When Sane People Do Insane Things: a Psychiatric Look at the International Race in Nuclear Weapons.


St. Elizabeth's Hospital of Boston, Medical Grand Rounds, Post-Hallucinogen Sensory Disorder: Interface between Psychiatry and Neurology.



1986 | Massachusetts General Hospital, Grand Rounds.


Laboratory of Molecular Biology, St. Elizabeth's Hospital, Towards a Molecular Mechanism for the Neuropathology of Hallucinogens in Human Beings.


St. Elizabeth's Hospital, Department of Psychiatry, The Psychiatry of Ecstasy and Other Hallucinogens.


McLean Hospital, Psychopharmacology Seminar, Long Term Effects of Hallucinogens in Man.



1985 | Massachusetts General Hospital, Drugs of Abuse in the Psychiatric Emergency Room.


St. Elizabeth's Hospital, Differential Diagnosis of Drug Abuse.


Massachusetts General Hospital, Differential Diagnosis of Toxic Psychoses, Psychiatric Residents' Seminar.


Massachusetts General Hospital, Department of Neurology, Neuro-ophthalmology Seminar, Visual Consequences of Hallucinogenic Drug Abuse.


Wellington, New Zealand, Meeting with Rt. Hon. David Lange, Prime Minister of New Zealand, East and West Physicians Campaign to Prevent Nuclear War.


Wellington, New Zealand, Address to Disarmament and Arms Control Committee of Parliament.


Christchurch Clinical School, Christchurch, New Zealand, Clinical Aspects of Eating Disorders.


Christchurch, New Zealand, Christchurch Hospital Clinical Meeting, Professional Responsibility and Political Effectiveness.

Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Psychiatric Grand Rounds, Sydney, Australia.


Christchurch, New Zealand, International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, New Zealand Branch Annual Meeting, The Social Responsibilities of Professional People.


Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Address on Medical Effects of Nuclear War, Melbourne, Australia.


Royal Park Psychiatric Hospital, Grand Rounds, Long Term Effects of LSD in Humans, Melbourne, Australia.


Australian National University, Treating the Nuclear Madness, Canberra, Australia.


Address, Australian Labor Party Caucus on Foreign Affairs and Defence, Psychiatric Aspects of the Arms Race-an American Perspe



Trondheim, Norway, Norwegian Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, in celebration of the 1985 Nobel Peace Prize awarded to the IPPNW, Beneath the Cloak of Reason: a Psychiatric Look at the Arms Race.



1983 | Massachusetts General Hospital, Residency Training Program, Acute Psychiatric Service, Differential Diagnosis of Drug Abuse in the Psychiatric Emergency Room.


1982 | Massachusetts General Hospital, Residency Training Program, Acute Psychiatric Service, Differential Diagnosis of Drug Abuse.


St. Elizabeth's Hospital, Psychiatric Aspects of Drug Abuse.


St. Elizabeth's Hospital, Differential Diagnosis of Drug Abuse.


Massachusetts General Hospital, Residency Training Program, Acute Psychiatric Service, Differential Diagnosis of Drug Abuse.


Lindemann Mental Health Center, Differential Diagnosis of Toxic Psychoses.


Harvard Medical School, Continuing Medical Education Course, Psychiatric Aspects of Marijuana.


Massachusetts General Hospital, Continuing Medical Education Course, Grand Rounds, Long-Term Effects of LSD in Humans.



1981 | Massachusetts General Hospital, Residency Training Program, Acute Psychiatric Service, Illicit Drug Users in the Emergency Room.


St. Elizabeth's Hospital, Continuing Medical Education Course, The Psychobiology of Alcoholism.


St. Elizabeth's Hospital, Continuing Medical Education Course, Psychiatric Aspects of Drug Abuse.


Massachusetts General Hospital, Residency Training Program, Acute Psychiatric Service, Differential Diagnosis of Drug Abuse.


St. Elizabeth's Hospital, Continuing Medical Education Course, The Psychiatry of Alcoholism.


St. Elizabeth's Hospital, Weekly Seminar, Initiator and Discussant, Contemporary Research Issues in Psychiatry.


Harvard Medical School, Continuing Medical Education Course, Psychiatric Aspects of Marijuana.



1980 | Massachusetts General Hospital, Residency Training Program, Acute Psychiatric Service, The Drug Abuser in the Emergency Room.


Massachusetts General Hospital, Residency Training Program, Acute Psychiatric Service, Differential Diagnosis of Drug Abuse.


Massachusetts General Hospital, Psychosomatics Conference, Discussant, Psychiatric Aspects of Phencyclidine.


Harvard Medical School, Continuing Medical Education Course, Long-Term Effects of LSD in Humans.


Massachusetts General Hospital, Residency Training Program, Acute Psychiatric Service, Differential Diagnosis of Drug Abuse in the Emergency Room.


Massachusetts General Hospital, Psychosomatics Conference, Discussant, The Mechanisms of Visual Hallucinations.


Harvard Medical School, Continuing Medical Education Course, Differential Diagnosis of Hallucinogenic Drug Abuse.


Harvard Medical School, Continuing Medical Education Course, Long-Term Effects of Hallucinogenic Drugs in Humans.


Augusta Mental Health Center Grand Rounds, Augusta, Maine, Long-Term Effects of LSD in Humans.



1979 | Massachusetts General Hospital Residency Training Program, Acute Psychiatric Service, Psychiatric Aspects of Drug Abuse.


Harvard Medical School, Continuing Medical Education Course, Hallucinogenic Drugs.


Massachusetts General Hospital, Residency Training Program, Acute Psychiatric Service, Drug Abuse in the Psychiatric Emergency Room.


Harvard Medical School, Continuing Medical Education Course, Psychopharmacology of Hallucinogenic Drugs.


Harvard Medical School, Continuing Medical Education Course, Long-Term Effects of LSD in Humans.


Harvard Medical School, Continuing Medical Education Course, Differential Diagnosis of Organic Mental Disorders.



1978 | Harvard Medical School, Continuing Medical Education Course, Long Term Effects of Hallucinogenic Drugs on Humans.


Massachusetts General Hospital Psychosomatics Conference, Psychiatric Effects of Marijuana Use.


Massachusetts General Hospital Residency Training Program, Acute Psychiatric Service, Psychiatric Aspects of Illicit Drug Use.


Harvard Medical School, Continuing Medical Education Course, Hallucinogenic Drugs.


Harvard Medical School, Continuing Medical Education Course, Long-Term Effects of LSD in Humans.


Harvard Medical School, Continuing Medical Education Course, Psychopharmacology of Hallucinogenic Drugs.


Harvard Medical School, Continuing Medical Education Course, Toxic Psychosis Associated with Hallucinogenic Drugs.



1977 | Harvard Medical School, Continuing Medical Education Course, Psychiatric Aspects of Hallucinogenic Drugs.


1976 | Harvard Medical School, Continuing Medical Education Course, Psychobiology of Hallucinogenic Drugs.


1972 | Massachusetts General Hospital Clinical Supervisor, Residents, Department of Psychiatry. The Dying Patient, Course for the Second Year, School of Nursing, Massachusetts General Hospital


Seminar for Psychiatric Residents, Massachusetts General Hospital. Psychiatric Aspects of Drug Abuse in the Emergency Room.


1971 | University of Arizona School of Medicine, Course Developer and Lecturer, Introduction to Clinical Research.

Major Research Interests


  1. Epidemiology of major affective disorders in substance abusers, 1992-2001

  2. Search for a genetic variant in mRNA and genomic DNA in

  3. Radioligand binding of LSD in platelets of patients with post-LSD hallucinosis, 1992-1995

  4. Axis I psychopathology associated with mild head injury, 1992

  5. Epidemiology of neuroleptic malignant syndrome in the elderly, 1992.

  6. Psychosocial aspects of Sphincter of Oddi dysfunction, 1992

  7. Electrical brain topography in primary insomnia, 1991

  8. Temporal sequence of substance use and anxiety disorders, 1991.

  9. Brain electrical activity mapping in obsessive-compulsive disorder, 1991

  10. qEEG in alcohol and cocaine abuse, 1990-2000.

  11. BEAM studies in panic disorder, 1987.

  12. Epidemiological factors linked to length of psychiatric hospitalization, 1987-1991.

  13. EEG topography in post-hallucinogen sensory disorder, 1986

  14. Association of panic disorder with psychostimulant use, 1986

  15. A biochemical hypothesis for the etiology of bulimia, 1984-86.

  16. Acquired dyschromatopsia in psychiatric inpatients, 1983.

  17. The pharmacotherapy of post-LSD psychosis, 1981-82.

  18. A genetic hypothesis for varying sensitivities to LSD in humans, 1981.

  19. Psychological bases of international arms race, 1980-

  20. Diagnosis and treatment of post-LSD psychosis, 1979-1985

  21. Differential sensitivities of LSD in humans, 1971-81.

  22. Phenomenology of LSD flashbacks, 1971-81.

  23. Effects of LSD on flicker-fusion phenomena in the cat, 1974.

  24. Psychophysical observations in past LSD Use, 1971-87.

  25. Perceptual dysfunction in chronic hallucinogen use, 1971-1974.

  26. The relationship of drug abuse to psychopathology, 1971-

  27. Developmental enzymology of congenital galactosemia, 1966-69.

  28. Biostructure of the E. Coli bacterial cell wall membrane, 1963-64. patients with post-LSD hallucinosis, 1992-1998

Editorial Positions


2000 | Referee, Addiction


1994 | Referee, Clinical Psychopharmacology


1990 | Referee, Biological Psychiatry

Referee, Psychosomatic Medicine


1988 | Referee, Journal of Clinical Psychiatry


1987 | Referee, Archives of General Psychiatry


1986 | Referee, American Journal of Psychiatry


1979-1985 | Editor, National Newsletter, Physicians for Social Responsibility

Principal Clinical and Hospital Service Responsibilities


1999-2000 | Medical Director, Partial Psychiatric Hospital, Mt. Auburn Hospital, Cambridge MA.


1998-1999 | Medical Director, Psychiatric Inpatient Service, Mt. Auburn Hospital, Cambridge MA.


1993-1995 | New England Medical Center, Consultant and attending psychiatrist on the medical and surgical services. Responsibilities include direct clinical care and medical student teaching; direction of the Substance Abuse Clinic, including direct clinical care, and supervision of residents and medical students.


1980-1993 | Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Consultant, Private Psychiatric Consultation-Liaison Service.


1980-1993 | Researcher, St. Elizabeth's Hospital of Boston and the Massachusetts General Hospital. Responsibilities included the initiation, conduct, review, advice, and support of all psychiatric research at St. Elizabeth's Hospital, as well as the conduct and supervision of research at the Massachusetts General Hospital.


Major Administrative Responsibilities


1983-1993 | Director of Psychiatric Research, St. Elizabeth's Hospital of Boston.


1983-1993 | Chairperson, Research and Human Studies Committee, St. Elizabeth's Hospital of Boston.


1985-1993 | Library Committee, St. Elizabeth's Hospital of Boston.


1990-1993 | Committee on Hospital Technology, St. Elizabeth's Hospital of Boston.


1993-1995 | Course Director, Introduction to Psychopathology, Tufts University School of Medicine.


1993-1995 | Course Director, Program in Addiction Medicine, Tufts University School of Medicine


1995-1998 | Committee on Pharmacy and Therapeutics, Butler Hospital.


1995-1998 | Infectious Disease Committee, Butler Hospital.


1997-1998 | Course Director, Self-Awareness in Clinical Practice, Brown University School of Medicine.

©2021 by Henry Abraham M.D.

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